Gervasutti Bivouac 2833 mt

physical level

technical level




1 day


Completely renovated and featuring a cutting-edge red and white structure, this bivouac has become a must-do. It is equipped with the latest technology of high-mountain engineering, solar panels, LED lighting and computer. A gem to be admired and seen first-hand!Short and easy climbing section with some fixed ropes on the way up to the bivouac.
Height gain: 1200m

Duration: 6/8 hours


Meeting at the Guide Office in Courmayeur at 6.00. Car transfer to Val Ferret, Lavachey village. Climb to the refuge: short break. Back to Courmayeur in the late afternoon
Duration: 6/8 hours walk
Height gain: 1200m


Head: beanie, cap, a pair of sunglasses, sunscreen and sun stick for the lips
Hands: a pair of light rubber coated gloves
Body: a T-shirt or thermal underwear, lightweight fleece, Gore Tex softshell jacket or similar.
Legs: Schoeller mountaineering pants or similar.
Feet: 1 pair of socks and hiking boots covering the ankles
In a 25/30 liter backpack: water bottle or a 1 liter bottle of water, money for personal expenses, camera, food supplies for the outing.
Gear: we will provide participants with the specific technical equipment required: helmet, harness, ferrata kit


You can choose to perform the trip in a "Collective Group" or with a "Private Guide"
You'll be added in an a group with other people.
- min 3 people
- max 3 people each Mountain Guide
Cost per person: 170,00€ including "search and rescue insurance"
There is an additional charge of 7,00€ per person per day for insurance for non-EU residents.
The trip will be confirmed ONLY by reaching the minimun number of 3 people. If not, the Guide Office will suggest you some alternative mountain trips.
You can book a private Mountain Guide at disposal of your own group.
Cost per Group:
1/2 people: 480,00€ including "search and rescue insurance"
3 people: 510,00€ including "search and rescue insurance"
There is an additional charge of 7,00€ per person per day for insurance for non-EU residents.
The cost includes:
- the assistance of the Mountain Guide and insurance
- technical equipment
The cost does not includes:
- car transfer


Search and rescue insurance details:
- emergency rescue insurance





Evaluate your Level

Physical condition levels



From 1 to 2 hours


100 / 300 m


from 3 to 4 hours


400 / 600 m


from 4 to 6 hours


700 / 1000 m


from 6 to 9 hours


1000 / 1300 m


from 9 to 12 hours


1300 / 1800 m

Skiing and ski-touring Technical Ratings



Introduction to off-piste skiing. On-piste skiing level required: red piste.


Skiers with basic off-piste experience. On-piste skiing level required: black piste. Routes on max. 30 degree slopes, SM/BS difficulty, possible short climbing passages with crampons.


Expert off-piste skiers, able to ski in all snow conditions on steep slopes. Routes on max. 40 degree slopes, BSA/TBSA difficulty, climbing passages with crampons and ice axe.


Excellent skiers on steep slopes, with climbing experience.

Alpinism and ice-climbing technical ratings



Walking on marked trails. Multi-day hikes or glacier walks.


First ascents at altitude, use of crampons and ice axe, basic rope work, rock and ice climbing techniques, and via ferratas.


"F easy ascent". Snow or ice slopes, 40 degrees max. Easy rock climbing with sections up to grade III max.


"PD slightly difficult ascent". Snow or ice slopes, 45 degrees max. Rather easy rock climbing with sections up to grade IV max.


"AD Fairly hard ascent". Snow or ice slopes, 60 degrees max. Rock climbing with sections up to grade V max.


"D sustained and difficult ascent". Snow or ice slopes, 70 degrees max. Rock climbing with sections up to grade 6a (French grades).


"TD/ED extremely difficult ascent, with sustained climbing and high commitment". Snow or ice slopes up to 90 degrees. Rock climbing with sections from 6a further on (French grades).

<----------------------------------------------- >


Bookings must be made either by phone at +39 0165 842064 or by email at indicating:
- participants' name and surname;
- telephone number, address, Italian taxpayer identification number or, in its absence, place and date of birth;
- technical skill level;
- date and program of your choice;
- parental consent for underage participants.
After having made arrangements with our main office (by phone or email) an advance payment (by wire transfer) is required in the amount of:
- the TOTAL price for 1-day, 2 and 3-days programs;
- 50% of the total price for multiple-day programs from 4 days;
- 50% of the total price for MONT BLANC ascents and STAGE MONT BLANC
 (summer programs). Full payment of the balance of the total participation fee must be made within 15 days prior to the start of the program selected.
No booking will be accepted before the requested payment has been received.
Bookings made after the payment deadline require full payment of the total participation fee without any deferments or deposits.

There is an additional charge of 7,00€ per person per day for insurance for non-EU residents.

Bank details:
IBAN: IT10N0858731560000200100250
Bank details: Banca di Credito Cooperativo Valdostana Scrl
Viale Monte Bianco, 30
11013 Courmayeur (AO)

Bank transfer fees + Bank currency conversions fees MUST be debited to you. If not, these fees have to be refounded at our office before the start of the selected trip.

Administrative expenses, the amount of which is fixed at 5% of the activity price, with a maximum limit of €200.00, are never refundable.

Variations to the program scheduled

If weather or mountain conditions do not allow for the activities to be carried out as scheduled, we will offer you an alternative program as replacement, or alternative dates for the same program selected (clients will be promptly informed of any additional costs relating to the proposed alternative solutions). Should it not be possible to set an alternative date or to agree upon an appropriate alternative trip, Society Guide Alpine di Courmayeur will issue  a credit, which you can use within the following year for the same program. Except for the Stage Mont Blanc 6days and the Mont Blanc Ascent in 2/3days, the alternative program will take place in the Monte Rosa area or Gran Paradiso.

For all the bookings of group activities: in case we do not reach the minimum number of clients, the Mountain Guide Office will offer you an alternative program. We will offer you: - book privately a Mountain Guide, with, probably a money adjustment
- change the scheduled program for a different one
- change the date of the scheduled program

Cancellation and withdrawal policy

If you wish to cancel your booking of a program for which you have already paid a deposit by way of subscription (or the total participation fee), the following cancellation fees will apply:
- 10% of the total participation fee for withdraws notified before 30 business days prior to the start of the program selected
- 25% of the total participation fee for withdraws notified 29 to 21 business days prior to the start of the program selected;
- 50% of the total participation fee for withdraws notified 20 to 11 business days prior to the start of the program selected;
- 75% of the total participation fee for withdraws notified 10 to 3 business days prior to the program selected;
No refunds for withdraws notified 3 business days prior to the start of the program selected

Assignment of a subscription to third parties

In the event that you are not able to attend the program you have booked, Società Guide Alpine di Courmayeur allows you to assign your subscription to a specific program to third parties (that meet the requirements provided), prior notice must be made to Società Guide Alpine di Courmayeur at least 4 days before the start of the trip.

Consapevolezza E’ Sicurezza

Frequentare l’Alta Montagna è attività impegnativa che non può essere intrapresa con leggerezza , e richiede tutta una serie di attente valutazioni sia sulle proprie condizioni fisiche sia sulle condizioni che si andranno ad affrontare, e quindi anche delle proprie capacità e competenze.
L’Alta Montagna è un ambiente magnifico, maestoso, sublime, ma che nasconde insidie e comporta prudenza, attenzione e perizia.
Per questa ragione, le Guide di Courmayeur ritengono opportuno informare, attraverso questo piccolo vademecum, circa tutte quelle situazioni che possono verificarsi durante lo svolgimento delle attività in Alta Montagna.
Vediamo alcuni aspetti che possono influenzare le nostre gite in alta quota.

Pressione e Alta Quota

La pressione atmosferica diminuisce mano a mano che saliamo di quota. A 5.000 mt è la metà della pressione rilevata al livello del mare. Ciò comporta conseguenze dirette sul nostro organismo, che in molte sue parti subisce questa depressione.

QUOTA (mt)


0 mt


2000 mt


4000 mt


Monte Cervino

5000 mt.


Monte Bianco

L’abbassamento di pressione comporta una diminuzione della concentrazione di ossigeno nell’aria. Più la pressione dell’ossigeno nell’atmosfera diminuisce, meno i nostri polmoni sono in grado di captarlo, diminuendone dunque la concentrazione nel sangue e, di conseguenza, la performance fisica.
L’organismo umano, con un sufficiente allenamento, è comunque in grado di adattare e migliorare le proprie capacità in un ambiente con ossigeno rarefatto, grazie all’acclimatamento, che deve essere più o meno lungo a seconda della quota che dovremo affrontare.

Freddo e Vento

In quota, la T diminuisce mediamente di 1 °C ogni 150 mt. Ciò comporta un aumento del rischio di ipotermia e di congelamento.

QUOTA (mt)








15 °C

9 °C

2 °C

-5 °C

-8 °C

-18 °C

Il vento inoltre accentua gli effetti della temperatura sull’organismo. Esso, per vivere, ha bisogno di mantenere la propria temperatura attorno ai 37 °C.
Per mantenerla nell’ambiente ostile dell’alta montagna, in condizioni di esposizione a temperature fredde, l’organismo consuma le proprie riserve di energia. E’ importante dunque seguire alcuni principi :
- bere e nutrirsi (prevedere dunque scorte adeguate)
- restare asciutti (utilizzare quindi abbigliamento adeguato e prevedere un ricambio)
- proteggersi dal vento con abbigliamento specifico
- rimanere attivi
In montagna, il vento amplifica i propri effetti. Ha un potere di raffreddamento del corpo di 0,5 °C per km/h ed inoltre contribuisce a disidratare l’organismo.


E’ la concentrazione di vapore nell’aria. Essa diminuisce all’aumentare della quota, ciò comporta un aumento del pericolo di disidratazione, sia per via cutanea che per via respiratoria.

Sole ed Irraggiamento

L’irraggiamento è prodotto dai raggi ultravioletti (UVA/B/C) e dai raggi infrarossi (IR).
UVA ed UVB sono i più aggressivi per la pelle e per gli occhi. L’intensità dell’irraggiamento aumenta di circa l’ 1% per ogni 100 mt di quota. La neve ed il ghiaccio ne aumentano e ne accentuano gli effetti. Bisogna quindi prevedere una adeguata protezione per la pelle e per gli occhi.

Per tutte queste ragioni, è importante essere a conoscenza dei rischi ai quali si va incontro frequentando l’alta montagna, e delle nostre condizioni fisiche.
E’ necessario, prima di affrontare una attività, essersi sufficientemente preparati fisicamente, su sforzi di lunga durata, e possibilmente in quota.
E’ altresì necessario ed estremamente importante fare un esame quanto più onesto e obiettivo delle proprie capacità tecniche, ed essere consci che si va in ambiente ostile che comporta anche imprevisti ai quali occorre reagire.
Una buona valutazione delle nostre capacità tecniche e del nostro stato fisico ci permetterà di affrontare più serenamente l’ambiente dell’alta montagna e le insidie ad esso connaturate.