In July 2009 the Association of Friends of the Courmayeur Mountain Guides was founded, linked in "cordate" with the Courmayeur Mountain Guides with the aim of preserving, exalting, developing the alpine, human, environmental and cultural traditions linked to Mont Blanc, to the Courmayeur Mountain Guides and the enhancement of their profession, to the development of the Alpine Museum "Duca degli Abruzzi".
In these years the Friends have contributed to the completion of the Interreg project for the renovation of the Museum "Duca degli Abruzzi", they have sponsored the exhibition "Vestiano alla montanara", they have replaced the Madonnina del Dente del Gigante damaged by lightning with a new bronze statue cast by the Foundries of Verres, which as in the past, has been carried to the summit on the shoulders of the Guides.
The Association contributed to the edition of the book by the Guide Luciano Maregliati "Le Guide di Courmayeur (e i loro clienti...) sulle vie del Monte Bianco" and to the book by the Guide Giuseppe Petigax "Racconti in quota con Giuseppe Petigax - Quattro generazioni di Guide Alpine".
In order to enhance the testimonial heritage of the Courmayeur Mountain Guides, the Friends supported the project of digitizing the historical "professional booklets" that certified the profession of Mountain Guide since the second half of the 19th century.
In the summer of 2016, the Friends sponsored the renovation of the Ecless Bivouac owned by the Society.
The need to have again a rock climbing gym in the territory of Courmayeur led, in the spring-summer of 2017, to realize upgrading and expanding with new pitons, the site "Palestra delle Guide al Mont Chetif", with several rock climbing itineraries and approach to the mountain.
Also in 2017 was born the "Corso Arrigo", dedicated to the late President of the Society of Mountain Guides of Courmayeur Arrigo Gallizio, a project aimed at the boys of Courmayeur who have taken the eighth grade exam that is divided into 3 days of approach to the mountain with an overnight stay at Rifugio Bertone hosted by Mountain Guide Renzino Cosson.
In 2019 the project Arrigo 2 will follow, addressed to high school students with more days dedicated to the different mountaineering and ski mountaineering disciplines.
Also in summer 2019, following potentially dangerous behavior, an Information Point on high mountain safety has been set up at Punta Helbronner.
Since 2020 the Association of Friends supports and collaborates to the project "DISCOVERING THE MOUNTAIN WITH THE ALPINE GUIDES OF COURMAYEUR", with promotional training days open to all those who wish to approach the mountain and mountaineering and to deepen some technical and practical aspects of their mountaineering background, which will continue in the fall.
If you want more information, you are interested in our projects and you share our goals you can contact us: - cell. 3357315416
Courmayeur Mountain Guide Friends Association - Strada Villair, 2 - 11013 Courmayeur